My New Year’s Resolutions ft Serious Readers

(Ad - This post is sponsored by Serious Readers, but as always, all opinions are my own)

It might be the last week of January, but there’s still plenty of time to reflect on what we want out of 2024.

This year I’ve decided to set some goals so that I can orientate myself towards the things that are meaningful for me. I’m calling them goals rather than the traditional ‘resolutions’, as these are things that I can work towards during the year and adapt if necessary. Resolutions feel very set in stone, and I don’t want that for 2024.

Today’s post has been sponsored by the lovely people at Serious Readers, and I have an amazing discount for you at the bottom of today’s post. If that’s why you’ve clicked on this blog, I totally understand, and feel free to skip down to the bottom of the page for my discount code.

For the rest of you, thank you for sticking with me - here are some of the goals that I’ve set for 2024.

1) Start tracking my reading on Storygraph

Tracking my reading is something that I did religiously for many years, until I decided to take a break in 2020. Somehow, reading had started to feel like something that had to be mundanely logged and recorded, and I wanted to feel more spontaneous with my reading habits. If I started a book and decided not to finish it, I didn’t want to have to decide what to record it as on my Goodreads account. I think the pressure to rate all of the books that I read also became too much, and so I made the decision to stop tracking my reading.

Now, four years later, I’m ready to return but using a different website. In 2024 I’ll be tracking my reading on Storygraph, which I’ve heard great things about.

2) Go to the gym 2/3 times a week

The gym is my happy place. It might sound strange but walking through the double doors and smelling the swimming pool gets my endorphins going before I even step foot in the changing room. The gym is the place where I discovered that I can actually enjoy exercise.

Despite this, I find it really hard to get into a regular gym routine. This year I want to really make the effort to go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, whether that’s for an arm workout or a swim.

3) Travel around the UK as much as I can

Anyone who follows my Instagram account (@shereadsandtravels) will know that I love literary travel, whether that’s in the UK or abroad. As a master’s student my schedule is currently more flexible than it’s been in a long time, and I want to really make the most of that by visiting lots of new places. I have a huge list, but Scotland’s Orkney islands are definitely right near the top. I’ve read a ton of fantastic memoirs set in the arpeggio, and something in me wants to explore for myself and see the islands with my own eyes.

Other locations on my travel list include Alton, York and Lackock, as well as Scotland’s Fort William and Glasgow!

4) Complete my Master’s degree

This isn’t really a resolution but much more of a goal for the year. I’m due to finish my Master’s degree in Psychology this autumn and I’m very excited about it! I’ve really enjoyed the course so far and I’m looking forward to spending another 8 months learning about my favourite subject.

5) Join a book club

This is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time and I’ve put it off, and off, and off… In 2024 I want to bite the bullet and give a book club a go - whether that’s in person or online. I’m not going to pressure myself into attending a club that I don’t enjoy, but I’d love to try one or two and see if I like them. Plus it’s always nice to meet some new people!

6) Try meditation

I imagine lots of people have this on their list of 2024 goals/resolutions, and for good reason. Meditation has brilliant mental health benefits, and will only complement regular gym going. This year I really want to focus on my wellbeing and overall happiness, and I hope that meditation can be something that helps with that.

Thank you to the amazing sponsors of this post, Serious Readers, who produce the most fantastic reading lights that you need for your home. I love mine and use it for different purposes - whether that’s puzzling at my desk, reading in my armchair or writing New Year’s resolutions. It’s truly a light that you will have for many years to come.

The thing that I love the most about their lights is the quality of the beam itself. Using Daylight Wavelength Technology, Serious lights resemble real daylight much more than your usual floor lamp. This means that the colours in your home don’t take on that yellow tinge in the evening, and it’s perfect for activities like crafting or puzzling (what I use mine for!)

If your New Year’s resolution is to purchase a good quality reading lamp, then make sure you use my code ‘SR467’ for £100 off a high definition light and free delivery. Check out their website here!

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