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My New Year’s Resolutions ft Serious Readers
Product reviews Julia Mitchell Product reviews Julia Mitchell

My New Year’s Resolutions ft Serious Readers

It might be the last week of January, but there’s still plenty of time to reflect on what we want out of 2024.

This year I’ve decided to set some goals so that I can orientate myself towards the things that are meaningful for me. I’m calling them goals rather than the traditional ‘resolutions’, as these are things that I can work towards during the year and adapt if necessary. Resolutions feel very set in stone, and I don’t want that for 2024.

Today’s post has been sponsored by the lovely people at Serious Readers, and I have an amazing discount for you at the bottom of today’s post. If that’s why you’ve clicked on this blog, I totally understand, and feel free to skip down to the bottom of the page for my discount code.

For the rest of you, thank you for sticking with me - here are some of the goals that I’ve set for 2024.

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Why are Serious Readers’ Lights so expensive?
Product reviews Julia Mitchell Product reviews Julia Mitchell

Why are Serious Readers’ Lights so expensive?

I understand why you might be skeptical. In a world where you can order a £30 floor lamp from IKEA, why would you spend £300 on a reading light? It seems expensive, and I get it - we work hard for our money, and want to spend it wisely. It doesn’t seem sensible to spend hundreds of our hard earned pounds on, well, a lamp.

That’s normally what I’d think too, but soon after my brand new Serious Readers’ reading lamp landed on my doorstep, I was convinced. As part of our collaboration, the Serious Readers team sent me two of their lamps to try out, before I agreed to promote their product. The first was the showstopper: the High Definition Floor Light and the second, the High Definition Compact Light, which complimented it perfectly. 

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