Girl in Pieces Quotes

(Please note the following trigger warnings: self harm, depression, drug use, psychiatric hospitals. This post also contains affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you)

If you’ve read my review, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Kathleen Glasgow’s books.

Girl in Pieces is fantastic in that it’s highly emotive and covers lots of taboo topics, in a way that is both sensitive and hard hitting.

Here I have gathered 18 quotes from the book that fit into four categories: hope, love, mental illness and self harm.

Quotes About Hope

“I remember the stars that night. They were like salt against the sky, like someone spilled the shaker against very dark cloth. That mattered to me, their accidental beauty.”

“Because when everything is said and done... the world runs on kindness. It simply has to, or we'd never be a able to bear ourselves. It might not seem so to you now, but it will when you're older."

Quotes About Self Harm

“And you know what makes me super mad? If a guy has scars, it's like some heroic shit show or something. But women? We're just creepy freaks.”

“Self-harm is not a grab for attention. It doesn’t mean you are suicidal. It means you are struggling to get out of a very dangerous mess in your mind and heart and this is your coping mechanism. It means that you occupy a small space in the very real and very large canyon of people who suffer from depression or mental illness.”

“Each aberration of my skin is a song. Press your mouth against me. You will hear so much singing.”

“Cutting is a fence you build upon your own body to keep people out but then you cry to be touched. But the fence is barbed. What then?”

“I need release, I need to hurt myself more than the world can hurt me, and then I can comfort myself.”

“People should know about us. Girls who write their pain on their bodies”

“It's counterintuitive, yes? That hurting yourself makes you feel better. That somehow you can rid yourself of pain by causing yourself pain.”

Quotes About Love

“She's not a cookie, or a book, or a record on a shelf. You can't just play with her and then put her back.”

“That's how hearts get broken, you know. When you believe in promises.”

Quotes About Mental Illness

“I'm so unwhole. I don't know where all the pieces of me are, how to fit them together, how to make them stick. Or if I even can.”

“I'm so lonely in the world I want to peel all of my flesh off and walk, just bone and gristle, straight into the river, to be swallowed.”

“I think you are having a different sort of heartbreak. Maybe a kind of heartbreak of being in the world when you don't know how to be. If that makes any sense?”

“There are too many people in my head. I claw at my body to get them out, to peel out the blackness spreading inside me. I’m running blind, ghosts swallowing me.”

“I’m so unwhole. I don’t know where all the pieces of me are, how to fit them together, how to make them stick. Or if I even can.”

“Because while I say sadness what I really mean is black hole inside me filled with nails and rocks and broken glass and the words I don't have anymore.”

“It's all right if you can't remember. Our subconscious is spectacularly agile. Sometimes it knows when to take us away, as a kind of protection.”

Haven’t read it yet? Buy a copy on Amazon here.

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