Bookstagram Post Ideas for the Winter

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Winter is a fab time of year. It’s the season of woolly scarves, hot chocolates and spending long Sunday afternoons snuggled in a pile of blankets with a good book. It’s also the perfect time to take some properly cosy bookstagram pictures and turn your feed into a bookworm’s paradise.

While lighting over the wintertime can be a bit challenging (I use these soft box lights to help me out with that!) there are definitely a number ways to make the most of the short days, and embrace the winter for what it is. 

No ideas? No problem! Here are some fun ideas for the bookish Instagram photos you can take this winter.

1. Arrange some cosy flatlays

There’s no need to dash out and buy a load of props just to create a new look for your feed, as it’s highly likely you’ll have lots of suitable items in your own home already. I’m thinking scarves, candles, mugs of tea or hot chocolate, fairy lights, cushions and throws; sweet treats always look fab too, and you can eat them afterwards! All of these items can be used as decorative props to pair with the books that you’re photographing on a flat surface, and will infuse your photos with that cosy, wintry feeling.

2. Messy bed photos

This is exactly how it sounds - take some photos of your messy bed! Scrunch up your duvet, throw a blanket around and add some books for good measure and then you’ll be ready to go.

3. Write a recipe for a cosy night in

This is a photo that’s on my own list, and starts with writing out the caption. Jot down all of your essential ingredients for a cosy night in, and then plan the photo around that. You don’t have to include all of the items if you don’t want to, one of two of them will do.

4. Read by the fire

Here’s a suggestion for everyone who’s lucky enough to have a cosy fireplace or log burner at home! There’s nothing more comforting than a quiet evening snuggled up by the fire with a good read, and it’ll look great on the ‘gram.

5. Take photos by the window

This is a type of photo that I always admire on Instagram, and works particularly well if it’s raining outside. Get the windowpane in your shot with an open book and capture that winter weather; you could always add a rain filter for extra cosiness!

7. Share your winter TBR

I’m moving away from the prop based photos here for a bit and onto some suggestions that really focus on books. This one’s pretty self explanatory - write a list of books that you want to read this season and photograph them, either all together, or separately if you’d rather spend longer talking about each book. You could always turn this into a series of posts!

8. Share some winter book recommendations

This suggestion is similar to the last, but with a slightly different focus. Think about the most amazing wintry books that you’ve read in previous years and recommend them to your followers.

9. Add a touch of snow

Here’s something that I’ve been experimenting with myself over the winter season. Download an app and add a snow filter - I’ve been using a free program called Werble and have been really happy with the results, as it just adds that extra bit of magic to some of my outside shots.

10. Take photos in the snow

Okay so this one is entirely weather dependent, but if you’re lucky enough to live somewhere that gets real snow then make sure you use it. Just don’t let your books get all soggy!

11. Embrace the christmas spirit

Christmas is a wonderful time of year when everything feels a little bit more special, which is very useful for us Instagrammers. Make use of that Christmas tree in your home and position it in the background of your photos, or snap your local bookshop while it’s all dressed up in its holiday finery. There are so many ways that you can let the festive season sing out from your Instagram photos and your followers will love it too.

12. Book to movie adaptations

This season’s chilly weather can be the perfect excuse to finally watch all of those movies that you just haven’t had the chance to see. Recommend your faves or watch some new ones and, big surprise here, take some photos (perhaps with the books they’re based on).

13. Write an itinerary for a cosy day in

Here’s a prompt that’s similar to the recipe for a cosy night in, but extended! Write a detailed itinerary for a lazy Sunday at home, and take photos while you’re enjoying it. It’ll be super authentic and might encourage your followers to slow down and take some time for themselves too.

14. Decorate your bookshelf for the winter

Do you have bits and pieces that can be relocated to your bookshelf to make it feel as cosy as possible? I’d recommend using fairy lights and candles personally, but be creative. There are lots of things that you can buy cheaply if you don’t have anything at home.

15. Photograph your reading nook

And if you don’t have one, create one for the day! A fun alternative to this would be to pop out to your local bookshop and take a photo in there - bookshops often have really lovely reading nooks that would look great on the ‘gram.

16. Join in with a winter readathon

There are always lots of different challenges to join in with, and you’ll be able to update your Instagram as you go! Check out this website for some ideas or have a google, you should have loads of choice.

16. Explore your local coffee shops and bakeries

Okay, this is one of my favourite suggestions and is perfect for those of you who are struggling with the lighting in your own homes. Take your camera and head out to your favourite local coffee shop, or perhaps even explore some new ones. Make sure to bring your book along and snap away, after you’ve ordered a coffee and a cake of course.

17. Bake something delicious and use it as a prop

I’m a terrible baker so this isn’t something that I’ve done myself, but it would look brilliant. Props that you can eat are the best.

18. Take some cute wintry outfit shots

This one could be so much fun, particularly if you’re into styling your outfits. Dress up in a chunky knit jumper and take photos at home, or wrap up with a coat and take it outside, book in hand! I personally love seeing photos like this and it’s a great way to bring your personality into your feed.

19. Bring back sock Sunday

Sock Sunday used to be a huge thing (check out the hashtag for some inspiration) and I can see why - it’s so cosy. Pick out some fluffy socks and snap away.

20. Bath time reading

Extra points if you have one of those bath trays to perch your book on! Or a lush bath bomb.

So there you have it - do let me know if you use any of these prompts as I’d love to see them! Let’s have a super creative winter.

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